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I created BEE the GIRL because let’s face it, in today’s world being a girl can be hard From a very young age our girls are constantly bombarded with unrealistic and unhealthy expectations and images of what it means to be female. They see ads, videos and online personalities telling them how they should dress and behave. They glean from magazines and social media that their value lies not in their minds or in their potential, but in their physical appearance and style.


My years of cringing at every sparkly “Mommy’s Little Princess” or “Diva” onesie did nothing to prepare me for the onslaught of images that face pre-teen girls. When our girls enter the disaster zone of middle school and puberty, they desperately need positive affirmations that tell them their awkward, changing bodies and personalities are uniquely beautiful. 


As I began to watch my own tween daughter and her friends wrestle with these issues, I felt a calling to do something about it. Since it is apparentlynot socially acceptable to greet random adolescent girls with a hug and hold them by their shoulders, look them in the eyes and say, “YOU ARE AMAZING. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. YOU ARE KIND. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING. YOU ARE BETTER THAN ALL THE MESSAGES/ADS/POSTS YOU SEE AND HEAR!”, I had to come up with another way to share these words.  Pairing my background as a clinical social worker with my passion for design, I couldn’t think of a better way to remind girls of how amazing they are then to have positive messages on the clothing they wear each day. So today, on International Day of the Girl 2019, I’m proud to announce BEE the GIRL, a clothing line aimed at celebrating girls’ individuality, strengths and differences. We hope our clothing provides an encouraging inner voice and mantras that remind our girls they are beautiful, loved and capable.


Our challenge to you is to be the best you can be…


BEE the GIRL who is kind

BEE the GIRL who turns her dreams into plans

BEE the GIRL who will change the world.


And let's not forget to support each other too…as a wise person once said, we rise by lifting others!





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